Ming-Hui Chen's Selected Publications
- Liu, F., Chen, M.-H., Wang, X., and Hancock, R. (2025).
Decomposition of WAIC for assessing the information gain with application to educational testing.
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. To appear.
- Hu, G., Chen, M.-H., and Ma, Z. (2025).
Flexible Bayesian Spatial Modeling for Unknown Missing
Data Mechanism in Survey Analysis: an Application to the Chinese General Society Survey.
Annals of Applied Statistics. To appear.
- Sun, J., Liu, Y., Wang, X., Chen, M.-H. (2025).
Bayesian variable selection in dynamic item response theory models.
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. To appear.
- Chen, M.-H., Guan, Z., Lin, M., and Sun, M., for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2025).
Power Priors for Leveraging Historical Data: Looking Back and Looking Forward.
Journal of Data Science, 23(1), 1-30.
- Chen, M.-H., Guan, Z., Lin, M., and Sun, M., for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2025). Rejoinder:
``Power Priors for Leveraging Historical Data: Looking Back and Looking Forward".
Journal of Data Science, 23(1). 64-69.
- Baron, E., Lin, M., Zhu, J., Tang, R., and Chen, M.-H. (2024).
Enhancing Randomized Controlled Trials: A Bayesian Divide-and-Conquer Approach for Borrowing External Control Data,
Statistics in Bioscience. To appear.
- Li, H., Li, Q.H., and Chen, M.-H. (2024).
Bayesian Inference of A Unified Estimand under Survival Models with Cure Fraction.
The New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science. https://doi.org/10.51387/24-NEJSDS70
- Chen, M.-H., Guan, Z., Sun, M., and Zhong, J. (2024).
A unified Bayesian decision rule-based approach for Bayesian design of clinical trials using historical data.
In: Biostatistics in Biopharmaceutical Research and Development:
80-Years of contributions and Dedications from the Deming Conference (DG Chen, ed.), pp. 195-217. Springer, New York.
- Wu, W., Graziano, T., Salner, A., Chen, M.-H,, Judge, M.P., Cong, X., and Xu, W. (2024).
Acceptability, Effectiveness, and Roles of mHealth Applications in Supporting Cancer Pain Self-Management: Integrative Review
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 12, e53652. \url{doi: 10.2196/53652}.
PMID: 39024567.
- Day, C.A., Berkowsky, R.S., Zaleski, A.L., Chen, M.-H.,
Taylor, B.A., Wu, Y., Parducci, P.M., Zhang, Y., Fernhall, B., Fernandez, A.B., and Pescatello, L.S. (2024).
The influence of vigorous physical exertion on cardiac demand under conditions of daily living among
firefighters with elevated blood pressure. Heart & Lung, 68, 208-216.
- Tilki, D., Chen, M.-H., Huland, H., Graefen, M., and D'Amico, A.V. (2024).
Mortality Risk for Patients with Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 1 Prostate Cancer.
European Urology Oncology, 7(6), 1520-1526. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euo.2024.06.009.
- Walburn, T., Chen, M.-H., Loffredo, M., McMahon, E., Orio, P.F., Nguyen, P.L., Anthony V. D'Amico, A.V., and Sayan, M. (2024).
Secondary analysis of late major gastrointestinal and genitourinary toxicities in unfavorable-risk prostate cancer patients receiving docetaxel: Insights from a randomized trial.
Cancer, 130(13), 2287-2293. https://doi.org/10.1002/cncr.35274
- Chen, J., Zhao, T., Li, H., Xu, W., Maas, K., Singh, V., Chen, M.-H., Dorsey, S.G., Starkweather, A.R., and Cong, X.S. (2024).
Multi-Omics Analysis of Gut Microbiota and Host Transcriptomics Reveal
Dysregulated Immune Response and Metabolism in Young Adults with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25, 3514. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms25063514
- Ma, Z. and Chen, M.-H. (2024). A Bayesian model-based reduced major axis regression.
Biometrical Journal, 66(3), 2300279. doi: 10.1002/bimj.202300279.
- Zhao, T., Chang, X., Biswas, S.K., Balsbaugh, J.L., Liddle, J., Chen, M.-H., Matson, A.P., Alder, N.N., and Cong, X. (2024).
Pain/Stress, Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Neurodevelopment in Preterm Infants.
Developmental Neuroscience, 46(5), 341-351.
- Zhao, T., Li, A., Reese, B., Cong, Q., Corwin, E.J., Taylor, S.N., Matson, A., Chen, M.-H., Alder, N.N., and Cong, X. (2024). Association between mitochondrial DNA copy number and neurodevelopmental outcomes among
black and white preterm infants up to two years of age. Interdisciplinary Nursing Research, 3(3), 149-156.
- Liu, P., Chen, M.-H., Sinks, S., and Sun, P. (2024).
Are the Tests Overpowered or Underpowered? A Unified Solution to
Correctly Specify Type I Errors in Design of Clinical Trials for Two
Sample Proportions. Statistics in Medicine, 43, 1688-1707.
- Menger, A., Sheikh, Md. T, and Chen, M.-H. (2024).
Bayesian Modeling of Survival Data in the Presence of Competing Risks with Cure Fractions and Masked Causes.
Sankhya A, 86-A, S199-S227.
- Huang, C., Chu, C., Lu, Y., Yi, B., and Chen, M.-H. (2024).
Bayesian Interim Analysis in Basket Trials. The New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science, 2(1), 54-71.
- Wu, W., Yackel, H.D., Salner, A., Chen, M.-H., Judge, M.P., Cong, X., and Xu, W. (2024).
Work-health balance of cancer survivors returning to work: A meta-ethnography.
European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 68, 102482. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejon.2023.102482
- Kearney, G., Chen, M.-H., Mula-Hussain, L., Skelton, M., Eren, M.F., Orio, P.F., Nguyen, P.L., D'Amico, A.V., and Sayan, M. (2023).
Burden of prostate cancer in the Middle East: A comparative analysis based on global cancer observatory data.
Cancer Medicine, 12(23), 21419-21425.
- Sayan, M., Huang, J., Xie, W., Chen, M.-H., Loffredo, M., McMahon, E., Orio, P., Nguyen, P., and D'Amico, A.V. (2023).
Risk of Short-Term Prostate-Specific Antigen Recurrence and Failure in Patients With Prostate Cancer: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA Network Open, 6(10), e2336390-e2336390.
- Sakaki, J.R., Rodriguez, N.R., Fernandez, M.L., Puglisi, M.J., Chen, M.-H., Chun, O.K. (2023).
Fruit juice and childhood obesity: a review of epidemiologic studies.
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 63 (24), 6723-6737.
- Chen, J., Wang, Z., Starkweather, A.,
Chen, M.-H., McCauley, P., Miao, H., Ahn, H., and Cong, X. (2023).
Pain sensation and gut microbiota profiles in older
adults with heart failure. Interdisciplinary Nursing Research, 2(2), 83–91.
- Kiernan, P.A., Day, C.A., Berkowsky, R.S., Zaleski, A.L., Gao, S., Taylor, B.A., Santos, L.P., Panza, G., Kramarz, M., McCormick, K., Thompson, P.D., Fernandez, A.B., Chen, M.-H., and Pescatello, L.S. (2024).
Reliability and Time Course of Postexercise Hypotension During Exercise Training Among Adults With Hypertension.
Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease, 11(2), 42. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcdd11020042
- Chen, J., Li, H. , Zhao, T., Chen, K., Chen, M.-H., Sun, Z., Xu, W., Maas, K., Lester, B.M., and Cong, X. (2023).
The Impact of Early Life Experiences and Gut Microbiota on Neurobehavioral Development in Preterm Infants: A Longitudinal Cohort Study.
Microorganisms 11 (3), 814.
- Wu, J., de Castro, M, and Chen, M.-H. (2023). Bayesian Survival Analysis in the Presence of Monotone Likelihoods.
In: Pham, H. (eds) Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics. Springer Handbooks. Springer, London. pp. 921--930.
- Wu, J., Geng, L., Starkweather, A., and Chen, M.-H. (2023).
Modeling and maximum likelihood based inference of interval-censored data with unknown upper limits and time-dependent covariates.
Statistics in Medicine, 42, 2455-2474.
- Sabbagh, A., Washington, S.L., Tilki, D., Hong, J.C., Feng, J., Valdes, G., Chen, M.-H., Wu, J., Huland, H., Graefen, M., Wiegel, T., B$\ddot{\rm o}$hmer, D.,
Cowan, J.E., Cooperberg, M., Feng, F.Y., Roach, M., Trock, B.J., Partin, A.W., D'Amico, A.V., Carroll, P.R., and Mohamad, O. (2023).
Development and external validation of a machine learning model for prediction of lymph node metastasis in patients with prostate cancer.
European Urology Oncology, 6(5), 501-507.
- Brown, J., Chang, X., Matson, A., Lainwala, S., Chen, M.-H., Cong, X., and Casavant, S.G. (2023).
Health disparities in preterm births. Frontiers in Public Health, 11.
- Han, Z., Zhang, Q., Wang, M., Ye, K., and Chen, M.-H. (2023).
On efficient posterior inference in normalized power prior Bayesian analysis.
Biometrical Journal, 65, 2200194. https://doi.org/10.1002/bimj.202200194.
- Wang, Y.-B., Milkey, A., Li, A., Chen, M.-H., Kuo, L.,
and Lewis, P.O. (2023). LoRaD: marginal likelihood estimation with haste (but no waste).
Systematic Biology, 72(3), 639-648.
- Tilki, D., Chen, M.-H., Wu, J., Huland, H., Graefen, M., Mohamad, O., Cowan, J.E., Feng, F.Y.,
Carroll, P.R., and D'Amico, A.V. (2023). PSA level at the time of Salvage Therapy following Radical Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer and the Risk of Death. {\it
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 41(13), 2428. https://doi.org/10. 1200/JCO.22.02489.
- Sheikh, Md. T, Chen, M.-H., Gelfond, J.A., Sun, W., and
Ibrahim, J.G. (2023). New Bayesian C-indices for Assessing Importance of Longitudinal Biomarkers in Fitting Competing Risks Survival Data in the Presence of
Partially Masked Causes. Statistics in Medicine, 42, 1308-1322. https://doi.org/10.1002/sim.9671.
- Hu, G., Chen, M.-H., and Ravishanker, N. (2023).
Bayesian analysis of spherically parameterized dynamic multivariate
stochastic volatility models. Computational Statistics, 38(2), 845-869. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-022-01266-9
- Sakaki, J.R., Rodriguez, N.R., Fernandez, M-L.,
Puglisi, M.J., Chen, M.-H., and Chun, O.K. (2023). Fruit juice and childhood obesity: a review of epidemiologic studies.
Critical Reviews in Food Science and
Nutrition, 63(24), 6723-6737. https://doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2022.2044284.
- Berkowsky, R.S., Zaleski, A.L., Taylor, B.A., Chen, M.-H., Gans, K.M.,
Wu, Y., Parducci, P.M., Zhang, Y., Fernandez, A.B., and Pescatello, L.S. (2022).
Cardiometabolic biomarkers and habitual caffeine consumption
associate with the adverse ambulatory blood pressure response
to strenuous physical exertion among firefighters.
Nutrients, 14, 4025. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14194025.
- Chen, M.-H., Lim, D., Ravishanker, N., Linder, M.H., Bolduc, M., McKeon, B., and Nolan, S. (2022). Collaborative analysis for energy usage monitoring and management on a large university campus.
Stat, 11. e513. https://doi.org/10.1002/sta4.513.
- Lim, D., Chen, M.-H., Ibrahim, J.G., Kim, S., Shah, A.K., and Lin, J. (2022).
{metapack}: An R Package for Bayesian Meta-Analysis and Network Meta-Analysis with a Unified Formula Interface.
The R Journal, 14(3), 142-161.
- Gelfond, J.A., Hernandez, B., Goros, M., Ibrahim, J.G., Chen, M.-H., Sun, W., Leach, R.J., Kattan, M.W., Thompson, I.M., Ankerst, D.P., Liss, M. (2022).
Prediction of future risk of any and higher-grade prostate cancer based on the PLCO and SELECT trials.
BMC Urology, 22(1), 1-9.
- Zhao, T., Alder, N.N., Starkweather, A.R., Chen, M.-H., Matson, A.P., Wanli Xu, Balsbaugh, J.L., and
Cong, X. (2022). Associations of mitochondrial function, stress, and neurodevelopmental outcomes in early life:
A systematic review. Developmental Neuroscience, 44(6), 438-454.
- Chen, J., Li, H., Maas, K., Starkweather, A., Chen, M.-H., and Cong, X. (2022).
Sex-specific gut microbiome profiles among preterm infants during the neonatal intensive care hospitalization.
Interdisciplinary Nursing Research, 1(1), 6-13.
- Zhang, Y., Chen, M.-H., and Guo, F. (2022).
Bayesian Criterion-based Assessments of Recurrent Event Models with Applications to Commercial Truck Driver Behavior Studies.
Statistics in Medicine. To appear.
- Sakaki, J.R., Gao, S., Ha, K., Chavarro, J.E., Chen, M.-H., Sun, Q., Hart, J.E., and Chun, O.C. (2022).
Childhood beverage intake and risk of hypertension and hyperlipidemia in young adults.
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 73(7), 954-964.
- Yuan, W., Chen, M.-H., and Zhong, J. (2022).
Bayesian design of superiority trials: methods and applications.
Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 14(4), 433-443.
- Zhang, J., Zhang, Y.-Y., Tao, J., and Chen, M.-H. (2022).
Bayesian Item Response Theory Models with Flexible Generalized Logit Links.
Applied Psychological Measurement, 46(5), 382--405. DOI: 10.1177/01466216221089343.
- Chen, J., Zhang, Y., Barandouzi, Z.A., Lee, J., Zhao, T., Xu, W., Chen, M.-H., Feng, B., Starkweather, A., and Cong, X. (2022).
The effect of self-management online modules plus nurse-led support on pain and quality of life among young adults with irritable bowel syndrome: a randomized controlled trial.
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 132 , 104278. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2022.104278.
- Tilki, D., Chen, M.-H., Wu, J., Huland, H., Graefen, M., and D'Amico A.V. (2022).
Adjuvant versus Early Salvage Radiation Therapy following Radical Prostatectomy for pN1 Prostate Cancer and the Risk of Death.
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 40(20), 2186-2192.
- Schmidt, D.R., Bhagwat, M., Glazer, D.I., Chen, M.-H.,
Moteabbed, M., McMahon, E., Loffredo, M.J.,
Tempany, C.M., and D'Amico, A.V. (2022).
MRI-Based Radiotherapy Planning to Reduce Rectal Dose in
Excess of Tolerance. Prostate Cancer, Volume 2022 , Article ID 7930744,
- Lim, D., Chen, M.-H., Ravishanker, N., Bolduc, M., McKeon, B., and Nolan, S. (2022).
A Hybrid Monitoring Procedure for Detecting Abnormality with Application to Energy Consumption Data.
Journal of Data Science, 20(2) , 135-155.
- Liu, F., Wang, X., Hancock, R., and Chen, M.-H. (2022).
Bayesian Model Assessment for Jointly Modeling Multidimensional Response Data With Application To Computerized Testing.
Psychometrika, 87, 1290-1317.
- Liu, Y., Lu, B., Foster, R., Zhang, Y., Zhong, J., Chen, M.-H., and Sun, P. (2022).
Matching Design for Augmenting the Control Arm of a Randomized Controlled Trial Using Real-World Data.
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 32(1) , 124-140.
- Baron, E., Zhu, J., Tang, R., and Chen, M.-H. (2022).
Bayesian Divide-and-Conquer Propensity Score
Based Approaches for Leveraging Real World Data in Single Arm Clinical Trials.
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 32(1), 75-89.
- Sheikh, Md. T., Chen, M.-H., Gelfond, J.A., and Ibrahim, J.G. (2022).
A Power Prior Approach for Leveraging External Longitudinal and Competing
Risks Survival Data within the Joint Modeling Framework.
Statistics in Biosciences, 14, 318-336. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12561-021-09330-6.
- Yuan, W., Chen, M.-H., and
Zhong, J. (2022).
Flexible Conditional Borrowing Approaches for Leveraging Historical Data in
the Bayesian Design of Superiority Trials.
Statistics in Biosciences, 14, 197-215. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12561-021-09321-7.
- Shi, W., Chen, M.-H., Kuo, L., and Lewis, P.O. (2022).
Bayesian Concentration Ratio and Dissonance.
Bayesian Analysis, 17(3), 817-847.
- Joeng, H.-K., Adeniji, A.K., Ting, N., and Chen, M.-H. (2022).
Estimation of Discrete Survival Function through
Modeling Diagnostic Accuracy for Mismeasured
Outcome Data.
Statistics in Biosciences, 14 , 105-138.
- Ramanathan, P., Liu, R., Chen, M.-H., and Kennedy, M.R.T. (2022).
Memory and executive functions subserving judgments of learning:
cognitive reorganization after traumatic brain injury.
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 32, 2203-2226. DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2021.1929345.
- Chen, J., Li, H., Hird, S.M., Chen, M.-H., Xu, W., Maas, K., and Cong, X.
Sex Differences in Gut Microbial Development of Preterm Infant Twins in Early Life: A Longitudinal Analysis.
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 11, Article 671074. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.671074.
- Casavant, S., Li, H., Reese, B., Chen, M.-H.,
and Cong, X. (2021). Pilot Study of Absolute Telomere Lengths in Preterm Infants.
Nursing Research, 70(6), 481-486.
- Casavant, S., Chen, J., Xu, W., Lainwala, S., Matson, A., Chen, M.-H., Starkweather, A.,
Maas, K., and Cong, X. (2021).
Multi-Omics Analysis on Neurodevelopment in Preterm Neonates:
A Protocol Paper. Nursing Research, 70(6), 462-468.
- Liu, F., Zhang, J., Shi, N., and Chen, M.-H. (2021).
A generalized semi-parametric model for jointly
analyzing response times and accuracy in
computerized testing.
Statistics and Its Interface, 15(1), 91-104.
- Wu, Y., Senk, C., Coll, P., Glenney, S., Zaborowski, K., Fortinsky, R.,
Taylor, B., Park, C., Benson, K., McGowan, M., Slyvia DiBiasi, S., Chen, M.-H.,
and Pescatello, L. (2021).
A comparison of two Tai Chi interventions tailored for different
health outcomes.
Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 59, 102731. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ctim.2021.102731.
- Zhang, Y., Adeniji, A.K., and Chen, M.-H. (2021).
A flexible non-parametric procedure for testing cumulative hazards with application to oncology studies.
Journal of Statistical Research, 55(1), 75-100.
- Tilki, D., Chen, M.-H., Wu, J., Huland, H., Graefen, M., Wiegel, T., B\"{o}hmer, D.,
Mohamad, O., Cowan, J.E., Feng, F.Y., Carroll, P.R.,
Trock, B.J., Partin, A.W., and D'Amico, A.V. (2021).
Adjuvant versus Early Salvage Radiation Therapy for Men at High-Risk for Recurrence following Radical Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer and the Risk of Death.
Journal of Clinical Oncology . To appear.
- King, M.T., Chen, M.-H., Collette, L., Neven, A., Bolla, M., and D'Amico, A.V. (2021).
Association of prostate-specific antigen failure and mortality in men with locally advanced versus localized prostate cancer.
JAMA Network Open, 4(5), e2111092. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.11092.
- Shi, D., Chen, M.-H., Kuo, L., and Lewis, P.O. (2021).
New partition based measures for data compatibility and information gain.
Statistics in Medicine, 40, 3560-3581.
- Li, H., Lim, D., Chen, M.-H., Ibrahim, J.G., Kim, S., Shah, A.K., and Lin, J. (2021).
Bayesian Network Meta-Regression Hierarchical
Models Using Heavy-Tailed Multivariate Random Effects with Covariate-Dependent Variances.
Statistics in Medicine, 40, 3582-3603.
- Chen, J., Zhang, Y., Simonsick, E., Starkweather, A., Chen, M.-H., McCauley, P., Chyun, D., Cong, X. (2021).
Back pain and heart failure in community-dwelling older adults: Findings from the health ABC study.
Geriatric Nursing, 42(3), 643-649.
- Bitterman, D.S., Chen, M.-H., Wu, J., Renshaw, A.A., Loffredo, M.,
Kantoff, P.W., Small, E.J., D'Amico, A.D. (2021).
PSA nadir and testosterone level at PSA failure following radiation and androgen suppression therapy
for unfavorable risk prostate cancer and the risk of all cause and prostate cancer-specific mortality.
Cancer. To appear.
- Kim, D.W., Chen, M.-H., Wu, J., Huland, H., Graefen, M., Tilki, D., D'Amico, A.V. (2021).
PSA ≤4 versus >4 ng/mL and the Risk of Prostate Cancer-Specific Mortality in Men with Biopsy Gleason Score 9-10 Prostate Cancer.
Cancer. To appear.
- Cilhoroz, B., Zaleski, A., Taylor, B.A., Fernhall, B., Chen, M.-H., Thompson, P.D., and Pescatello, L.S. (2021).
The ambulatory blood pressure and heart rate variability responses following sudden vigorous physical exertion among firefighters with hypertension.
Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine, 2021 Mar 02; http://dx.doi.org/10.47447/tjsm.0492.
- Pescatello, L.S., Wu, Y., Gao, S., Livingstondc, J., Sheppard, B., and Chen, M.-H. (2021).
Do the combined blood pressure effects of exercise and antihypertensive medications add up to the sum of their parts? A systematic meta-review.
BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 7, e000895. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2020-000895.
- Ma, Z., Hu, G., and Chen, M.-H. (2021).
Bayesian Hierarchical Spatial Regression Models for
Spatial Data in the Presence of Missing Covariates with
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 37, 342-359.
- Sheikh, Md. T., Ibrahim, J.G., Gelfond, J.A., Sun, W., and Chen, M.-H. (2021).
Joint Modelling of Longitudinal and Survival Data in the Presence of Competing Risks with Applications to Prostate Cancer Data.
Statistical Modelling, 21(1-2), 72-94.
- Zhang, F., Chen, M.-H., Cong, X., and Chen, Q. (2021).
Assessing Importance of Biomarkers: a Bayesian Joint Modeling Approach of Longitudinal and Survival Data with Semicompeting Risks.
Statistical Modelling, 21(1-2), 30-55.
- Kim, S., Chen, M.-H., Ibrahim, J.G., Shah, A.K., and Lin, J. (2020).
Bayesian Flexible Hierarchical Skew Heavy-Tailed
Multivariate Meta Regression Models for Individual
Patient Data with Applications. Statistics and Its Interface, 13, 485--500. DOI: 10.4310/20-SII613.
- Gwon, Y., Mo, M., Chen, M.-H., Chi, Z., Li, J.,
Xia, H.A., and Ibrahim, J.G. (2020).
Network Meta-Regression for Ordinal Outcomes:
Applications in Comparing Crohn's Disease
Treatments. Statistics in Medicine, 39, 1846--1870.
- Kim, D.W., Chen, M.-H., Huland, H., Graefen, M., Tilki, D., and D'Amico, A.V. (2020).
Advancing Age and the Risk of Adverse Pathology at Radical Prostatectomy in Men with Biopsy Gleason score 6 Prostate Cancer.
JAMA Network Open, 3(4), e202041-e202041.
- Chen, Q., Zhang, F., Chen, M.-H., and Cong, X. (2020).
Estimation of Treatment Effects and Model Diagnostics with Two-way Time-Varying Treatment Switching: an Application to a Head and Neck Study.
Lifetime Data Analysis, 26(4), 685--707.
- de Castro, M., Chen, M.-H., Zhang, Y., and D'Amico, A.V. (2020).
A Bayesian Multi-Risks Survival (MRS) Model in the Presence of Double Censorings.
Biometrics, 76, 1297--1309.
- Wu, J., de Castro, M., and Chen, M.-H. (2020).
Bayesian Survival Analysis in the Presence of Monotone Likelihoods.
in Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics, 2nd (ed. H. Pham). To appear.
- Liu, Y., Geng, L., Wang, X., Zhang, D., and Chen, M.-H. (2020).
Subgroup Analysis from Bayesian Perspectives. In Design and Analysis of Subgroups with Biopharmaceutical Applications
(eds. N. Ting, J.C. Cappelleri, S. Ho, and D.-D. Chen). New York: Springer. pp. 331--345.
- Ma, Z., Chen, M.-H., and Tang, Y. (2020).
Bayesian Meta-Regression Model Using
Heavy-Tailed Random-effects with Missing
Sample Sizes for Self-thinning Meta-data.
Statistics and Its Interface, 13, 437-447.
- Sun, W., Jin, C., Gelfond, J.A., Chen, M.-H., and Ibrahim, J.G. (2020).
Joint Analysis of Single Cell and Bulk Tissue Sequencing Data to Infer Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity.
Biometrics, 76, 983--994.
- Wang, Y.-B., Wang, Y.-B., Chen, M.-H., Shi, W., Lewis, P.O., and Kuo, L. (2020).
Inflated Density Ratio and Its Variation and Generalization for Computing Marginal Likelihoods.
Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 49, 244-263. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42952-019-00013-z.
- Deng, Q., Zhang, Y.-Y., Roy, D., and Chen, M.-H. (2020).
Superiority of Combining Two Independent Trials in Interim Futility
Analysis. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 29(2), 522-540. doi: 10.1177/0962280219840383.
- Sakaki, J., Melough, M.M., Li, J., Tamimi, R.M., Chavarro, J.E., Chen, M.-H., and Chun, O.K. (2019).
Associations between 100% orange juice consumption and dietary,
lifestyle and anthropometric characteristics in a cross-sectional study of U.S. children and adolescents.
Nutrients, 11, 2687. doi:10.3390/nu11112687.
- Wu, J., Chen, M.-H.,
Schifano, E.D., Ibrahim, J.G., and Fisher, J.D. (2019).
A New Bayesian Joint Model for Longitudinal Count Data with
Many Zeros, Intermittent Missingness, and Dropout with
Applications to HIV Prevention Trials.
Statistics in Medicine, 38, 5565-5586.
- Leeman, J., Chen, M.-H., Huland, H., Graefen, M., D'Amico, A.V., and Derya Tilki, D. (2019).
Advancing Age and the Odds of Upgrading and Upstaging at Radical Prostatectomy in Men with Gleason Score 6 Prostate Cancer.
Clinical Genitourinary Cancer, 17(6), e1116-e1121. doi: 10.1016/j.clgc.2019.07.018.
- Liu, Y., Hu, G., Cao, L., Wang, X., and Chen, M.-H. (2019).
A Comparison of Monte Carlo Methods for Computing Marginal Likelihoods of Item Response Theory Models (with Discussion).
Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 48, 503-512 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jkss.2019.04.001) for the main paper
and 522-523 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jkss.2019.07.001) for the rejoinder.
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Last modified: December 27, 2024