1.    1. Registration Fee

                                            Received by the UConn-Storrs Conference Services

                                                                        On or Before             After

                                                                        March 30                   March 30

A Full Registrant                                                $250                             $300

A Full-Time Student (with proof)                        $100                             $150

A Companion                                                    $100                             $150

A Registrant* from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,

and Sri Lanka                                                  $100                             $150

            In the last category (*), the local committee will consider only those participants who permanently live and work in one of the named countries and also register from that home country. The local committee will decide on a case by case basis  

            Each individual registering as a full-time student must have his/her major adviser or the department head fax or E-mail an official signed letter certifying the full-time student's status as soon as possible. The certification may be either faxed (860-486-4113) or E-mailed (nitis.mukhopadhyay@uconn.edu) with attention to Nitis Mukhopadhyay. Without this certification in conference organizers' file, the registration is neither processed nor complete.


2. Who Needs to Register?

            All participants must register. Participants include plenary speakers, specially named lecture presenters, invited paper presenters, organizers of sessions, chairs of sessions and those who would attend presentations.   


3. What Does the Registration Fee Include?

            A registration fee in all categories except for "A Companion" includes a reception (May 22 evening), 2 lunches (May 23-24), 1 boxed lunch (May 25), all morning (May 23-25) and afternoon (May 23) breaks, the refreshments following the awards ceremony (May 24), a simple registration packet, and an abstract booklet. "A Companion" registration is explained below.

            A companion registration also includes a reception (May 22 evening), 2 lunches (May 23-24), 1 boxed lunch (May 25), all morning (May 23-25) and afternoon (May 23) breaks, and the refreshments following the awards ceremony (May 24). But, a companion registration will not entitle one to (i) receive separate registration packet materials and abstract booklet, (ii) present a paper, (iii) chair a session, (iv) participate as a panelist during a panel discussion.  

            The technical programs plus other events and functions that are dedicated to registered participants and/or registered accompanying persons are not open to non-registered accompanying persons.


4. Payment Method 

The preferred way of payment will be to use a credit card or a charge card. In exceptional circumstances, a check in U.S. dollars drawn on some U.S. bank may also work. The important point is that the total payment for registration fees, roundtrip shuttle fare (if chosen), and the cost of the banquet (if chosen) will be combined and paid in one single step. For those presenting papers, the strict deadline for the conference services to receive the full payment as well as the title and abstract is March 30, 2008.


5. Refund Policy

Each participant prepays the total cost (X) of registration, roundtrip shuttle ride (if chosen), and the banquet (if chosen) and submits the title/abstract (in case of a presenter) all in one single step.  After prepayment and registration, if one must cancel participation, the following refund policy will be applied:

Cancelation Received at

the Conference Services:

On or before April 15                          50% of X will be refunded

After April 15                                                No refund

Any refund due upon cancellation will be credited to a participant some time after the conference is concluded.


Want to visit the IISA site? First click on http://merlot.stat.uconn.edu/~nitis/IISA2008/index.htm and then click on "Link to IISA"