Preliminary Information on Presentation

The plenary lecture hall and other lecture rooms at the conference venue are equipped with modern facilities. One should be able to give a PPT presentation or use an overhead projector or a document camera. 

However, each presenter is strongly advised to bring his/her material on a Thumb Drive (USB).

One may use one’s own laptop instead, and in that case we hope to have a connection available for on-screen LCD presentation. Note that this will require extra setup time and hence these presenters are requested to contact the local organizing committee members well in advance. A Thumb Drive (USB) is highly recommended.

Due to security concerns, no unidentified (that is, unregistered with the University of Connecticut) wireless laptop computer can use the University's network signaling at any time. Any participant bringing a wireless laptop computer, please beware of this restriction. With a proper photo ID and some paperwork, one may get one's laptop registered temporarily on campus upon arrival. One surely realizes though that this will take time for a participant to arrange. The local organizing committee cannot arrange this beforehand. 

 During a presentation, please do not expect to use material from the Internet because a presenter may not have Internet access. That's the way it is (Courtesy: The Homeland Security). Please store everything that may be need in a presentation on a Thumb Drive (USB). Again, a Thumb Drive (USB) is highly recommended.